Friday, December 18, 2009

Make believe

I am "always-already interpellated." Disturbing as it sounds, it remains the truth of life. Shackled by a privileged social position, I shall always be the oppressor, for this is the logic of my being, determined from the time of birth. I can choose to be different in my actions and words but as long as I remain within this structure of life, I shall always be both the oppressed and the oppressor. Breaking free and attaining moksha (deliverance) seems the only legitimate human salvation. I understand it now, 'cause everything is maya, the illusion.

I am not a fatalist but I do believe that even fate is structured by this very logic. Then how do you believe that I had an equal chance of surviving when one out of every four children in the world, who die under the age of one, is an Indian.


sugar glider said...

If you ask me, the post-modern situation is made most remarkable by the universality of its morbidness. Its platitudes. To assume and then believe that nothing comes to nothing. It just indicates that modernity has funnelled experience down one and one filter only. One in four children dying, writing reports for fat cows et al is not so terrible as thinking its pointless. That is cynicism.

bobo said...

no no no no no no no no no no no no...
this is it.....
cynicism is the best friend of the post-modern (wo)man