Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I momentarily passed a Kali puja pandal today and the fine and delicate sounds of the Shenai are still playing on my mind...the Shenai is my favourite Indian classical musical instrument...its sound is evocative and poignant, stirring one's bare, mortal soul...on hearing the notes, i am flooded with emotions, my sense-perceptions come alive and i begin to feel...the overall experience is emotionally should be transcendental in its spirit, elevating us to the higher the snake charmer, the Shenai maestro raptures us in the ways of the universe...rising above mere existence and exaggerated moments of greatness to embrace the cosmic unity that binds humanity...

Nach Baliye

i love dancing, so play the fucking music deejay!!!...i'm turning out to be quite a freak of nature...i stand infront of the mirror, checking out my groovy moves...pulsating beats, swirling moves, drowned thoughts, liberated spirits...the fringe show of my life...a few pleasures that i indulge in..:o)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

excoriating reason

Sitting in the quiet of a rain swept wind lashed night what happens to all the doggies I wonder
I am like who can say
So spun into candyfloss
I feel potent for a historic blunder

Saturday, October 18, 2008

existentialist crisis

I have being thinking hard over the past few days...the big and perplexing questions of life (what i am and want to become, which roads of discovery should i traverse) have preoccupied my thoughts and remain unanswered...this phase of life is tough, especially when you're a sucker for a reassuring comfort-zone...i am convinced that 2009 is going to be the year that defines my fucking life and the very thought of the year's end approaching is scaring be brutally honest, i am my weakest self...fatalistic, weak-willed and distrustful of myself, i really feel i am at the threshold of life...amen!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


...i wish i could write when i am drunk...the blurred dreamlike visions, the spaced-out thoughts, the friendly embrace of the loved...those feelings and emotions can never be adequately captured in our grounded reality...i am in a state of suspended animation...badly hungover...there is a pleasant buzz ringing through my falling between forced consciousness and gentle abandonment...i want the moment to linger on...i'm happy, so please don't wake me up for the hard sun...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Just when i wanted to get back into shape, there appears to be a minor roadblock in my efforts...since yesterday i have developed a skipping routine for myself which involves stamina building and free body hope is that in a few weeks, if not months, i will have a physically fit is a sort of wish fulfillment that i have desired for a very very long time...excited as i am, i shared my fitness routine with a well wisher, who in all earnestness informed me that if i skip too much my boobs will!!!!...shit man, this is so bloody unfair...i don't care if my boobs sag in disappointment or rise up in happiness...i will SKIP, JUMP, RUN-if that is what it takes to be a healthy human being...thank you for your concern and advice...