Friday, August 29, 2008

office politics

power play at work has to be the most exasperating and frustrating aspects of my job...i HATE it!!!...i had a miserable day at work...accusations of poorly managed work was raised...i am at my wit's end...i'm bad with dealing with persons who have ulteria motives and who want to undermine your work...i do not understand them and i am not diplomatic...if i am not comfortable with particular individuals, it simply shows!...i know they sense my discomfiture and dislike for blame-game...worst of all i can't get it out of my stupid head...

i have a team of 10 members...they are of different ages, temperaments and work is a hard-hard exercise...explaining to them that certain styles of working is not acceptable is walking on a tight-rope...saving my big ass and keeping staff happy and motivated is driving me crazy...i really need to learn how to manage people...the success of any organisation rests upon it...god help me!!!

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