Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ode to autumn

autumn is here, ripe and mellow. the sun's rays are tempered gently through the soft, fluffy clouds that fill the sky. the evenings are cool and inviting. there is a slight nip in the air, reminding one of the approaching winter. the trees smell faintly of blooming flowers, whose names elude me. the half-eaten moon stands lonely against the raven coloured night. the boxed-in houses stand silhouetted against the faintly-visible twinkling stars. the scaffolding of the pujo pandals lie half-erected in the public parks. there is a quiet clam, a general sense of peace. durga pujo will be celebrated in a few weeks. calcutta, the city of eternal return will be amok with festivities. i will be here, walking these vague streets, unable to return. trailing me everywhere is this sinking feeling of melancholy and of bidding adieu. the only hope of a welcome is the warm winter of reunited lovers. 

when i see this blank page, i stop and think too deeply about what to write. the act of writing is like a burden that i must unload. writing, for me, entails a heftiness of being and a committment to pure thought and emotion. it becomes an exercise of the mind and of cool detachment. i want to be freed from the language of implied meaning and interpretative thought. i'd rather levitate in space than be grounded on paper.  how do i capture that lightness, that floating and fleeting quality of life? i do not think that this overly rational and calculated state of mind is any cause of hope but, no, i will write. let me defy the loss of words, let me claim this little blogspace, let me free my mind. endofstory.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


i often find myself in the position of an armchair activist, comfortably dabbling with 'issues' that are distant from my social reality. i also find myself at unease with the sort of moral righteousness that comes with working on such issues. it is hypocritical and shambolic. the professionalisation of philanthropic/social work  has unwittingly led to a detachment of human empathy. we have become observers, purveyors and role-players. i am uncomfortable with the sort of proselytising and grand-posturing that comes with the baggage of 'development' and yes, jaded by the jargonising. the sense of deja vu that accompanies 'i've heard it all before' hits me hard in the face. five years into my professional life, i want to take a break and renew my thoughts, instead i find myself stuck.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pinoo da lover is waiting outside, while i sit inside my new office. there is a pin-drop silence here with few words exchanged. my phone is loud and disturbing to the point i am embarrassed every time i receive or take a call. i could put it on silent but i prefer not to. the atmosphere is a bit sedate. i miss the buzz, the lively banter of my past office spaces. too much peace and quiet makes me even more restless. the full rhythm of work is yet to ensue instead there is a wait. the long journey ahead beckons and i wearily walk the line.