Saturday, June 19, 2010

sunday morning

A lazy start to the day/ listening to 90's hits back to back/feeling nostalgic/they don't make music like that anymore/want to read something fresh/no stream of consciouness/i have mine to deal with/no conversations/just music ringing in my ears/crows talk and i sit hearing them speak/a language strangely understood/cloud cover, rain impending/quiet peace/right here, right now

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Push the envelope and there are no boundaries to stop you. This is all self-created, all a part of the grand illusion. Maya they call it, I call it the mind. Tame it under your will and it shall be yours.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Head and Heart

What do you do when your head and heart are not in congruence?

When your heart speaks a language your head cannot understand or when your head relates to the world in a way your heart cannot?

Then you know your disconnected.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


It's raining, the deluge has begun. The sky has opened up, pouring its soul onto these grimy streets. The gush of rain wets the human face, wiping away the sweat of labour. Ceaseless in rhythm, it thunders on.

Covered in our mortar houses, protected from the elements, can you really speak about the beauty of every passing season. Even with my window open, I am seperated from what is raging outside.

I can hear the kids scream with delight but I only scream under the neon lights.Can the rain that washes away the deariness of a summer's day, cleanse this spirit of mine?