Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am a bit too depressed for winter. This weather is for the warmth of the fireplace, for the comfort of a snug sweater, for a hot cup of tea to soothe an aching throat, and for a freshly baked fruitcake to satiate the hungry soul. And here I am, feeling autumn.
These days are spent in indolence, in quiet idleness. I know in a day or two, everything will change. The pace of life will overwhelm me and I will find myself swamped with new commitments and deadlines. Nothing prepares you for what awaits you and with that thought you keep walking. The destination is known but the journey wears out even the most intrepid soul.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I want sunshine in the rain,winter's icy fingers touching my warm summer face.

I want happiness amidst the pain,thorns that prick in that lovely gladiola bouquet.

I want peace in the debris of my shattered brain,sparkling grains of sand illuminated only in the shiftless shoreline gaze.

I want success in failure, scaling the top but falling short of surmounting the main.

I want to be, not only to be free; for freedom is the lottery's chance device.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Without you this house feels empty; filled with bligthed spirits bearing crosses against their heavy hearts. Your presence brings comfort and familial delights, of grand feasts and petty fights. Little did we know that time would pass us by and we would have to say our goodbyes. And miles apart, it is these words said in silence that keeps us alive.
I am a chicken waiting to be slaughtered, halaal style.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I fight till all meaning is lost.
Misunderstood and mislead, I feel no reason to crucify myself.
There is no solace, no pain, just a mighty heart ready for the game.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Resolution 181109

I will go out, walk, attend the Kutch embroidery exhibition and be happy with myself.

Update: Priti bought me a beautiful embroidered yolk. I can't wait to attach it to a piece of silk and wear it. Winter wear, here we come!


The weather is splendid and it just happens to be an oh-so-perfect day. Woke up feeling fresh, did yoga with Priti, chatted with my aunts, cuddled Minto, took a cat nap in the afternoon, ate puchkas, walked arm-in-arm with Pinoo to the Metro, going out for a drive with Dudu, eating momos for dinner and then calling it a day.Khub bhalo lagche and I didn't even try to feel this way.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ready for the floor- Hot Chip


I have reached a point in my life where gossip only means information you don't wanna know.

And so it is.........

Today was unofficially my first day of work in my new work place. With the new people and new mindsets, I feel a little lost. But I know that this change is needed, to move on to new experiences. My heart feels heavy, my head light and my body bloated than ever.

By note- Trust yourself!